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Dubrovnik's Old Pharmacy marks 700th anniversary of its establishment

Autor: Roberta Mlinarić

ZAGREB, Nov 11 (Hina) - On the occasion of the 700th birthday of Dubrovnik's Old Pharmacy, established by the Franciscan monastery of the Friars Minor, Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Korzinek said at a ceremony in that southern city on Saturday that a procedure had been launched to include that phenomenon on the national list of intangible cultural heritage.

Addressing the event, Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Frankovic said that throughout history, Dubrovnik had been in the vanguard of healthcare and social welfare.

"This anniversary is of great importance for the history of pharmacy in Croatia and the rest of the world. The fact that the Friars Minor pharmacy has been operating and serving the public since its establishment in 1317 makes it unique on the global scale," said Frankovic.

Attending the ceremony in Dubrovnik were also Dubrovnik County head Nikola Dobroslavic, envoys of the president of the republic, the parliament speaker and the health minister, as well as the vicar of the Franciscan monastery of the Friars Minor, Stipe Nosic, representatives of the Croatian and EU pharmaceutical societies and the International Pharmaceutical Federation, and Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) head Zvonko Kusic.

The procedure to include the Old Pharmacy on the national list of intangible cultural heritage was launched by the "Dubrovnik" pharmacy and local historians.

(Hina) rml

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